

It's never to early to think ahead to next year - thoughts / advice welcome!

I could so have Jackson be his own little "short bus" - felt would work, right?

We like bananas!

But this, this dachshund in aluminum chain mail is too much! Someone commented it that it looked knitted on big needles --- maybe?


Ashley said...

I really like the bus costume... but they're all so cute.

I might just like the bus one because it's a corgi. I want a corgi. lol.

Heather said...

Love the Corgi Bus...too funny! And the bananas...well that just made me laugh, thanks!

Rebecca said...

Well.....I think you should just make two "buns" to go on his sides and he could be an official weiner dog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you for being such a great Boo-Ty Swap pal!
I got to the post office too late yesterday, and was sooo pleased to go pick up my package today. I love everything... The yarn, the candy dish, the tea, all of it! You rock! Thank you SO much!

I'll have pics on my blog soon! I live in a big trick-or-treating neighborhood, and have been preparing for Halloween all day today. I go thru about 30 pounds of candy at 1-2 pieces per child! eek!

Again, my heartfelt thanks for making this a wonderful swap!


Life's a Stitch said...

The school bus is adorable. I may have to do that for my long, close to the ground doggie.

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