Yep. I bought Jackson a bee costume to match Lorelai. What a good dog. He's been rewarded handsomely today!
My Dog is Such a Good Sport (Part1)
I'm so "one of those moms" - you know the kind that get all Martha Stewart about stuff? Yeah, it's in my genes. My mom did it and I love it - still do, I've already started a file of magazine pages with ideas for costumes / parties / decorations / crafts for when Lorelai is older. But, let's not forget, Jackson, my "furbaby" was here first. So he's the one with the hand-sewn costume. And last year I knit his sweater. Because he's special. Yes, I lugged out my sewing machine, a recent issue of Bark magazine and some felt:

We'll just ignore the fact that I forgot he's 6 inches off the ground and the flower petals are 6 inches long!
Jackson is such a good sport. Love ya buddy!

Stay tuned for tomorrow - both babies in costume!

We'll just ignore the fact that I forgot he's 6 inches off the ground and the flower petals are 6 inches long!
Jackson is such a good sport. Love ya buddy!

Stay tuned for tomorrow - both babies in costume!
The Rhinebeck Experience - Part 2
After a "rest" (the hotel room was so hot! What's up with that?) and a continental breakfast with the group (Costumechick, Knelley, the Mad-knitter, Wife,Mom,Knitter, YankeeLagniappe and Backstageknits) we headed out to the festival. Still so giddy!
It was such a beautiful day - perfect fall weather! Our first stop, which was a very smart decision, was to meet the authors for book signings. Ann & Kay are sweethearts - and I so want to make the potholder / hot hands after seeing it in person!

There they are! the Mad-knitter brought her log cabin blanket to show them -

It's so fantastic! They were impressed - I believe they said to her "That's a lot of knitting!" :)
Next up, we hopped in line to see the YarnHarlot - I don't know how she does it - she's got to be exhausted from all the people, but she's fantastic! She complemented my hat (it was the unoriginal hat) and I professed my love for "Lenore's", then in what I hope was not a weird request, I asked for some good juju with my chevron scarf. She was wearing one (which she said she didn't make, but it's the Yarn Harlot and I'm gidddy about knitting celebrities) - I decreased and then didn't increase enough the night before.

She politely touched the chevron scarf, and hopefully now I can fix the mistakes and get it done!

While we waited in line I spotted scout and couldn't muster up the courage to say Hi (and tell her how awesome her scout swag club was!). I also spotted Amy Singer and Caro - but both times I was a chicken about going up and saying Hi and didn't think to pull out my camera to kinnear them. Oh well. Brushes with greatness still make me happy!
We made our way through the vendors - I think we did quite well, we took our time and shopped but were also able to go back and get things we liked. I was surprised that there wasn't more in the way of indie-hand-dyed / painted stuff. I found myself picking up several items only to realize that it's something I can get here in CT at one of my LYS's, so I put it back (gotta support the local economy too!) However, I did find several unique things:
Hope Spinnery - I'm a sucker for anything with "Hope" in the title - it will at least get me to give a closer look. It's a Wind powered fiber mill - How cool is that? And the tags / sign:

Intentional Fibers, Produced with Intention. Love it! I selected 2 skeins of "Barn" (which I think looked like a color Nana would like)

We met back up with our group around lunchtime (we missed the Ravelry meetup, boo!) and found the Peacefulknitter and Sweetie had come to the fair! I was kinneared!

We went back for more shopping and ended up at Jamie Harmon's booth - what fun colors! and so soft!

I love my new project bag from GoMonkeyDesigns:

I've already got my Mystery Sock project in there. I feel for the gal - she said she sold out on Saturday and was up late that night to make more product for sunday!
My last purchase of the day came from JenniethePotter - my new favorite mug:

A little dish:

And the sock yarn I bought (already caked up!) from The March Hare

Conni Togel's art was so wonderful! Saw several prints I would have loved to buy - my favorite was "Making Ends Meet"
What a fantastic time! It was like being at the Durham Fair, but entirely yarn and fiber!
There was a glitch in the weekend, I wasn't going to blog it, but it really is a bloggable thing. Betsy and I got back into the next town over - I turned a corner and didn't see the red light until too late - I made a split second (bad) decision and got caught. We were pulled over and I got a ticket. Bah. First ticket in my diving career. Groan. Good thing I kept my spending in check, eh?
It was such a beautiful day - perfect fall weather! Our first stop, which was a very smart decision, was to meet the authors for book signings. Ann & Kay are sweethearts - and I so want to make the potholder / hot hands after seeing it in person!

There they are! the Mad-knitter brought her log cabin blanket to show them -

It's so fantastic! They were impressed - I believe they said to her "That's a lot of knitting!" :)
Next up, we hopped in line to see the YarnHarlot - I don't know how she does it - she's got to be exhausted from all the people, but she's fantastic! She complemented my hat (it was the unoriginal hat) and I professed my love for "Lenore's", then in what I hope was not a weird request, I asked for some good juju with my chevron scarf. She was wearing one (which she said she didn't make, but it's the Yarn Harlot and I'm gidddy about knitting celebrities) - I decreased and then didn't increase enough the night before.

She politely touched the chevron scarf, and hopefully now I can fix the mistakes and get it done!

While we waited in line I spotted scout and couldn't muster up the courage to say Hi (and tell her how awesome her scout swag club was!). I also spotted Amy Singer and Caro - but both times I was a chicken about going up and saying Hi and didn't think to pull out my camera to kinnear them. Oh well. Brushes with greatness still make me happy!
We made our way through the vendors - I think we did quite well, we took our time and shopped but were also able to go back and get things we liked. I was surprised that there wasn't more in the way of indie-hand-dyed / painted stuff. I found myself picking up several items only to realize that it's something I can get here in CT at one of my LYS's, so I put it back (gotta support the local economy too!) However, I did find several unique things:
Hope Spinnery - I'm a sucker for anything with "Hope" in the title - it will at least get me to give a closer look. It's a Wind powered fiber mill - How cool is that? And the tags / sign:

Intentional Fibers, Produced with Intention. Love it! I selected 2 skeins of "Barn" (which I think looked like a color Nana would like)

We met back up with our group around lunchtime (we missed the Ravelry meetup, boo!) and found the Peacefulknitter and Sweetie had come to the fair! I was kinneared!

We went back for more shopping and ended up at Jamie Harmon's booth - what fun colors! and so soft!

I love my new project bag from GoMonkeyDesigns:

I've already got my Mystery Sock project in there. I feel for the gal - she said she sold out on Saturday and was up late that night to make more product for sunday!
My last purchase of the day came from JenniethePotter - my new favorite mug:

A little dish:

And the sock yarn I bought (already caked up!) from The March Hare

Conni Togel's art was so wonderful! Saw several prints I would have loved to buy - my favorite was "Making Ends Meet"
What a fantastic time! It was like being at the Durham Fair, but entirely yarn and fiber!
There was a glitch in the weekend, I wasn't going to blog it, but it really is a bloggable thing. Betsy and I got back into the next town over - I turned a corner and didn't see the red light until too late - I made a split second (bad) decision and got caught. We were pulled over and I got a ticket. Bah. First ticket in my diving career. Groan. Good thing I kept my spending in check, eh?
The Rhinebeck Experience - Part 1
Following the craft fair, theatreknitter and I dashed back to my house, emptied the car, quickly changed, then reloaded the car and began our trek up to Rhinebeck, NY for NY Sheep & Wool.
We drove directly to the Ravelry party - as we pulled up to the elks lodge we were both about to burst! And then the shock started to set in as we saw all the cars along the road! We drove down a bit, found space on the road and parked. We met fellow ravel-er Liz, who also has a Lorelai, so were were all excited about that! We walked down to the lodge area, and amazingly immediately spotted Knelley one of the local SnB'ers! We tried to take it all in, Betsy checked her crackberry.

Notice her lovely clapotis and new neckwarmer (It's not one of Sonia's - it's a new plymouth pattern - made with debbie bliss alpaca silk that she got for a steal! It's in my queue - I'll be using Schaefer Esperanza. Anyway.)
There were so many people there, not entirely surprising, but still. The police were called and cars needed to be moved. After I had an encounter with a rather unfriendly lady ("I don't have any other parking for you, you can go to the bus garage and carpool") I was able to park right at the elk lodge lawn with the help of a very friendly guy who even helped me park the car so I could drive right out later.
We didn't win anything at the raffle, but it was fun to scan the crowd and admire the handknits, count / identify the patterns, check out bags - like this one:

And then to find out, we KNOW the gal holding the bag! That's how we met Librarysarie! We plurk! And we're friends on Rav. Awesome - her tilted duster was fantastic too! (Why didn't we photograph this encounter? I think we were so giddy that we just forgot!) (Oh, and Sarah - who was the gal you were with? I'm blanking on her name / username!)
So were still standing about and chatting and watching and all that, when we talk to another gal about her clapotis and it dawns on us "I know you!" - we met LiterateKnits (what's up with me meeting all these "L" people?) Erin is adorable! And then she introduced me to Sam - who is also fantastic! The three of us "work" for LimeNViolet - Erin and Sam write for the chum and I write the the show notes. Photo proof of the minions:

I also met blog commenter Kate! So cool!
It was cold and late so we headed to the hotel with the other local SnB'ers and watched Sarah Palin on SNL. I give her credit for going on there and showing she has a sense of humor, but it doesn't change my mind about her. I think Amy Pohler is amazing! Next post, the goodies from Rhinebeck!
We drove directly to the Ravelry party - as we pulled up to the elks lodge we were both about to burst! And then the shock started to set in as we saw all the cars along the road! We drove down a bit, found space on the road and parked. We met fellow ravel-er Liz, who also has a Lorelai, so were were all excited about that! We walked down to the lodge area, and amazingly immediately spotted Knelley one of the local SnB'ers! We tried to take it all in, Betsy checked her crackberry.

Notice her lovely clapotis and new neckwarmer (It's not one of Sonia's - it's a new plymouth pattern - made with debbie bliss alpaca silk that she got for a steal! It's in my queue - I'll be using Schaefer Esperanza. Anyway.)
There were so many people there, not entirely surprising, but still. The police were called and cars needed to be moved. After I had an encounter with a rather unfriendly lady ("I don't have any other parking for you, you can go to the bus garage and carpool") I was able to park right at the elk lodge lawn with the help of a very friendly guy who even helped me park the car so I could drive right out later.
We didn't win anything at the raffle, but it was fun to scan the crowd and admire the handknits, count / identify the patterns, check out bags - like this one:

And then to find out, we KNOW the gal holding the bag! That's how we met Librarysarie! We plurk! And we're friends on Rav. Awesome - her tilted duster was fantastic too! (Why didn't we photograph this encounter? I think we were so giddy that we just forgot!) (Oh, and Sarah - who was the gal you were with? I'm blanking on her name / username!)
So were still standing about and chatting and watching and all that, when we talk to another gal about her clapotis and it dawns on us "I know you!" - we met LiterateKnits (what's up with me meeting all these "L" people?) Erin is adorable! And then she introduced me to Sam - who is also fantastic! The three of us "work" for LimeNViolet - Erin and Sam write for the chum and I write the the show notes. Photo proof of the minions:

I also met blog commenter Kate! So cool!
It was cold and late so we headed to the hotel with the other local SnB'ers and watched Sarah Palin on SNL. I give her credit for going on there and showing she has a sense of humor, but it doesn't change my mind about her. I think Amy Pohler is amazing! Next post, the goodies from Rhinebeck!
Fair Craft Fair
Well, it's done!
Here's a shot (taken by PeacefulKnitter)

We did it! I'm so proud of us, and thankful for friends like Sonia and Betsy - not only did Sonia sign up for this (and miss out on a cool trip to NY city!) but she stuck it out with me to the end! Her neck socks / neck warmers were so well received - how could they not be? They are made out of Malabrigo! And Betsy, well, as true to her "Cruise-Ship Julie" nature, Betsy stuck it out with me late Friday night to help weave in ends, then was up bright and early on Saturday to help set up. And then she spent the day with us at the booth, keeping spirits high and talking up the product to all fair attendees! On the whole it was a good experience - we didn't sell out (that's ok, I'll be filling my etsy shop later), but we did sell and I think we made a positive impact on many people who checked out the booth.
Lesson learned - make more of the medium sized hats! Like for Lorelai's size. There was an adorable little acorn in the larger acorn hat that I made, and towards the end of the day, this wee acorn - I think he's 3 months old. Thank you Baby Dominic - enjoy your hat!

All the craziness that lead up to the craft fair was followed by a trip to Rhinebeck, NY for the ravelry party and the NY Sheep & Wool Festival on Sunday. But that's a whole other post!
Here's a shot (taken by PeacefulKnitter)

We did it! I'm so proud of us, and thankful for friends like Sonia and Betsy - not only did Sonia sign up for this (and miss out on a cool trip to NY city!) but she stuck it out with me to the end! Her neck socks / neck warmers were so well received - how could they not be? They are made out of Malabrigo! And Betsy, well, as true to her "Cruise-Ship Julie" nature, Betsy stuck it out with me late Friday night to help weave in ends, then was up bright and early on Saturday to help set up. And then she spent the day with us at the booth, keeping spirits high and talking up the product to all fair attendees! On the whole it was a good experience - we didn't sell out (that's ok, I'll be filling my etsy shop later), but we did sell and I think we made a positive impact on many people who checked out the booth.
Lesson learned - make more of the medium sized hats! Like for Lorelai's size. There was an adorable little acorn in the larger acorn hat that I made, and towards the end of the day, this wee acorn - I think he's 3 months old. Thank you Baby Dominic - enjoy your hat!

All the craziness that lead up to the craft fair was followed by a trip to Rhinebeck, NY for the ravelry party and the NY Sheep & Wool Festival on Sunday. But that's a whole other post!
Craft Fair
I've been mentioning the upcoming craft fair in this blog for a while now. The time has come - the big event is tomorrow! It's sure to be a day to remember (especially with theatreknitter in town, and a trip to Rhinebeck for NY Sheep & Wool Saturday / Sunday!). If you're looking for something to do on Saturday, swing on by and say "Hi!". Should be a nice fall event - I'm thinking it's got a Gilmore Girls / Stars Hollow sort of feel to it, without the crazy townsfolk (one would hope).
Read all about it. (Local paper article).

One of the fliers I've been seeing around town.
Sneak Peek at our table (poor lighting in the basement, low quality camera ability)

(brup cloths)

(neckwarmers - by PeacefulKnitter!, seasonal hats (acorns mostly), rattles)
Ready or not, here we come!
Read all about it. (Local paper article).

One of the fliers I've been seeing around town.
Sneak Peek at our table (poor lighting in the basement, low quality camera ability)

(brup cloths)

(neckwarmers - by PeacefulKnitter!, seasonal hats (acorns mostly), rattles)
Ready or not, here we come!
Biting off more than I can chew
Lorelai loved getting her own apple yesterday is an understatement. I have the photos of her screaming when I took it away to take a bite (gasp! and it was my apple to begin with. I thought, oh wouldn't it be a funny photo if she tries to bite the apple. yeah, I started something there.)
Since I haven't been working since June 2007 (and it was terrible then), I've had zero stress. Really. Pregnancy, new baby and all, I don't have much to stress about. The negative things are beyond my control and day-to-day is just not chaotic. A bit crazy somedays, sure, but nothing like it used to be. Until now.
It may be all in my head, but I am definitely starting to stress about the craft fair next week. Maybe it's more anxious / anxiety. I am still knitting away. I've got tags and business cards in various states of completion. I've got projects on the needles all over my house. I've got ends to weave in.
*AND* I'm working, part time, at home for google. So I'm trying to get my hours in on that, because you know, money is good and all that. *AND* I'm trying to maintain the day-to-day stuff. Lorelai may be a bit more independent, but it really feels like when she's awake I'm getting less done and very little done during her naps.
Bite, bite, chew, chew, it's all good. This face says it all.

Since I haven't been working since June 2007 (and it was terrible then), I've had zero stress. Really. Pregnancy, new baby and all, I don't have much to stress about. The negative things are beyond my control and day-to-day is just not chaotic. A bit crazy somedays, sure, but nothing like it used to be. Until now.
It may be all in my head, but I am definitely starting to stress about the craft fair next week. Maybe it's more anxious / anxiety. I am still knitting away. I've got tags and business cards in various states of completion. I've got projects on the needles all over my house. I've got ends to weave in.
*AND* I'm working, part time, at home for google. So I'm trying to get my hours in on that, because you know, money is good and all that. *AND* I'm trying to maintain the day-to-day stuff. Lorelai may be a bit more independent, but it really feels like when she's awake I'm getting less done and very little done during her naps.
Bite, bite, chew, chew, it's all good. This face says it all.

Cold Work
What is up with this house? It's freezing inside. I don't know why. I'm not even sure where to start looking for drafts / leaks. Ugh.
It was a rough weekend 'round these parts. Friends came in for the weekend - they bring their bassett hound as well, so the house is quite full. Jackson and their dog ignore each other for the most part. Lorelai was beyond thrilled to see another (bigger) dog. We planned to go out for dinner on Saturday. Our reservations weren't until 8, so we had time to drop off Lorelai with her grandparents early and we could go for drinks / appetizers. The appetizers were yummy, and the drinks (martinis) were on the strong side. I had a delicious Grape Cosmo that I would love to have again. So we're at least 4 drinks in by the time we get to the restaurant for dinner. Yeah, um, the other gal in our party was sick at the restaurant and we ended up leaving without even eating there. We got home, picked up the baby (I think I was a babbling fool to my FIL, I asked him about scrapple (learned about that at SnB) - some odd PA food, he had heard of it.), brought the baby home and the boys went out to get fast food. It was delicious, but I think it was the huge soda that did me in. I got sick, but it was quick and the next day I wasn't really hungover. So, yay on that.
Last night, Lorelai was up at 3:30 with a bloody nose! Looked a lot worse than it actually was - I think she was just all stuffed up and these things happen. She just wanted to snuggle - I would try to put her back in her crib and she would clutch at my arms like I was dropping her down some well or something, not in her own space. We were up until 4:30, so yeah, we're tired today. I've been trying to do my work, clean up the house, run the laundry and knit. That hasn't happened yet - I've got to go make dinner after this post so I can just pop it in the oven later. So it goes.
But I've got pictures! Peacfulknitter brought the "Through The Loops Mystery Sock KAL" to my attention (I'll link it up later - you can find it on ravelry) - it is Socktober you know. I could use a new pair of socks - the sanrio ones are thick, more like house sock / slippers. And I just found out that I somehow shrank a pair of socks (I think they went for an adventure in the dryer). Of course I could be working on the second sock of my Tidal Wave pair - I finished that sock oh, back in April. Or I could get back on track with the Noro sock (I'm thinking about frogging it though and using the yarn to make the One Skein, a Stole instead). This KAL let me wind up new yarn (Neighborhood Fiber Co Watershed yarn, Thomas Circle colorway - my DC vacation yarn). I like the idea of getting a piece of the pattern at a time (though, I still have the Mystic Light Shawl that started out great that way and now it's hibernating.) It feels good to work on tiny needles with thin yarn - I'm about fed up with cotton. Enough rambling, here's a picture. Clue #1, the cuff, is complete.

And the kids are together, yet so far apart.

(I think Lorelai is grinding her teeth in this photo. Mommy kryptonite at its best!)

She's reaching into the bench - it's got a hinge top, so I store stuff underneath. I think she found the plastic bag of lollipops.
I love the Yarn Harlot's post about Greg Kinnear, kinnearing in action!
I'll link stuff later, I'm cold, lazy and inundated with other things I need to get done.
It was a rough weekend 'round these parts. Friends came in for the weekend - they bring their bassett hound as well, so the house is quite full. Jackson and their dog ignore each other for the most part. Lorelai was beyond thrilled to see another (bigger) dog. We planned to go out for dinner on Saturday. Our reservations weren't until 8, so we had time to drop off Lorelai with her grandparents early and we could go for drinks / appetizers. The appetizers were yummy, and the drinks (martinis) were on the strong side. I had a delicious Grape Cosmo that I would love to have again. So we're at least 4 drinks in by the time we get to the restaurant for dinner. Yeah, um, the other gal in our party was sick at the restaurant and we ended up leaving without even eating there. We got home, picked up the baby (I think I was a babbling fool to my FIL, I asked him about scrapple (learned about that at SnB) - some odd PA food, he had heard of it.), brought the baby home and the boys went out to get fast food. It was delicious, but I think it was the huge soda that did me in. I got sick, but it was quick and the next day I wasn't really hungover. So, yay on that.
Last night, Lorelai was up at 3:30 with a bloody nose! Looked a lot worse than it actually was - I think she was just all stuffed up and these things happen. She just wanted to snuggle - I would try to put her back in her crib and she would clutch at my arms like I was dropping her down some well or something, not in her own space. We were up until 4:30, so yeah, we're tired today. I've been trying to do my work, clean up the house, run the laundry and knit. That hasn't happened yet - I've got to go make dinner after this post so I can just pop it in the oven later. So it goes.
But I've got pictures! Peacfulknitter brought the "Through The Loops Mystery Sock KAL" to my attention (I'll link it up later - you can find it on ravelry) - it is Socktober you know. I could use a new pair of socks - the sanrio ones are thick, more like house sock / slippers. And I just found out that I somehow shrank a pair of socks (I think they went for an adventure in the dryer). Of course I could be working on the second sock of my Tidal Wave pair - I finished that sock oh, back in April. Or I could get back on track with the Noro sock (I'm thinking about frogging it though and using the yarn to make the One Skein, a Stole instead). This KAL let me wind up new yarn (Neighborhood Fiber Co Watershed yarn, Thomas Circle colorway - my DC vacation yarn). I like the idea of getting a piece of the pattern at a time (though, I still have the Mystic Light Shawl that started out great that way and now it's hibernating.) It feels good to work on tiny needles with thin yarn - I'm about fed up with cotton. Enough rambling, here's a picture. Clue #1, the cuff, is complete.

And the kids are together, yet so far apart.

(I think Lorelai is grinding her teeth in this photo. Mommy kryptonite at its best!)

She's reaching into the bench - it's got a hinge top, so I store stuff underneath. I think she found the plastic bag of lollipops.
I love the Yarn Harlot's post about Greg Kinnear, kinnearing in action!
I'll link stuff later, I'm cold, lazy and inundated with other things I need to get done.
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