
It's all coming together

I am just about caught up. I think. Last week was thrown for a loop as party preparations took over. We went with a "Hungry Caterpillar" theme (and as themes go, it was a loose one) and this was a very DIY party for Nate's 1st. Caterpillar balloons IMG_4972
It was a good day, we had a good time, and afterwards I was exhausted. For several days. Party clean-up, catching up on a few loose ends, and then Nate came down with another bug of some sort. Lorelai's energy has been exponential, and trying to keep up with her is a whole other sporting event.
I have to get the buttons of the cuff I made from the "So Pretty! Crochet" book and then I will really be ready for the review and giveaway. I have one sleeve done on the sweater for Good Karma Farm - it is going to be so hard to send this sweater back. I love it! I have a new skein of Sock Art Forest from Green Moutain Spinnery all caked up and ready to be cast on once a few other things are set. It's always something, right? Grr.

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