Cynthia sent me a great package for the Gimme Some Needles Exchange (and there's going to be a round 2!) You know, I had forgot about this one! She sent me "addi Natura" circular needles - I had no idea such a thing even existed!! And a bamboo crochet hook! Wow - I don't think that i'll ever go back to my metal ones! :) This will be the tool on which I practice my crochet and amigurumi skills! I have purchased the artful yarns / colorful yarns for others but not for myself - so I'm excited for the chance to work this up into something beautiful - it's gorgeous in shades of purple, mustard-gold, and blue!
I've also received CDs from Lindsey (along with treats I've already gobbled up! and a nifty crafty item - to make origami stars out of paper strips! Those will go in my classroom), Sandy, and Erin - I'm very excited about this new cache of music to hear, and each of these chicas seems very cool from their blogs - I'm sure their music will back that up!
Yes, there has been some knitting - the picture shows a sleeve in progress of the sitcom chic, but I've actually attached the sleeves. I'm hoping that in my left-handedness, that my K2TOG and SSK for the next 9 rows work out alright... I really enjoy knitting with the cotton ease - it makes a nice fabric.

And, last but not least - a cute photo of Jackson!(Not especially great focus, but I like his expression!)

Glad you liked your needles... I have one set of Addi Natura's and they are a pleasure to knit with... esp. the SWTC bamboo yarn!! Have fun!
How is Jackson doing? They are headstrong little guys:)
glad jackson is adjusting to his new home, he is growing so fast! ohhh never seen anyone do sitcom chic, can't wait to see it! glad you enjoyed the needle exchange!
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What a cutie Jackson is. Puppies are great
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