
How to wear a hat.

Finished object alert! This was going to be a Christmas gift, but as I was knitting it, the yarn really called to me. It does fit me nicely I think. The color is me. The intended recipient may not be a hat person (I'm really not sure). Plus, there is an error in it (on every row. I held the yarn wrong, but I think in the end it looks fine.) So, win for me in that I get a new hat, but that still leaves another gift to knit. Oh well.

my new hat
(heh, I wish my hair was really that red in color!)

my new hat

Just in time for a snow "event" this weekend - no signs of snow here in CT yet though.

my new hat

Yarn: Debbie Bliss Merino Chunky that has been sitting in the stash for a while. 3 balls used, though I have maybe a half or a third of the ball leftover.
Pattern: Quincy from the Made In Brooklyn collection by Jared Flood. I would make this again - chunky yarn, mostly garter stitch, several hours and you've got a hat. Good stuff. I think each time I put it on I put it on a different way - backwards, forwards, not sure exactly which way is front. Hm. Doesn't matter much though, even the brooklyntweed blog says there are different ways to wear it!

1 comment:

anphoe said...

I LOVE the hat! Very pretty!

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