
I'm filled with "intrinsic incredible emotion"

Gotta love the Chum! Today's post was about Meryn Cadell and her song "The Sweater" - I remember being at the mall looking for that song (on cassette!!). My mom tried to be helpful by pointing out a Michael Jackson single, "In the Closet". Thanks mom, but not helpful. There's a youtube video - still wonderful!

And, since the talk today is about sweaters, I'm 2 rows away from being done with the skirt on the tilted duster. Looking into mods as I don't know if I want to be concerned with rolling / blocking etc. 2 Rows. So close to being done with that part. Then it's onto picking up for the collar and getting the sleeves in. The sun is out today (thank goodness) I need Jackson to take advantage of that - gotta get moving on his Halloween costume!

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