When I posted my to-do list back on Friday, it included "spider face" and "blog spider, broken dpns" - Here's the spider:

Lorelai and I go to a baby group that uses plastic easter eggs with stuff inside to shake when we sing songs - I took it one step further and knit up the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" - he's about 3.5 inches long and 4.5 inches across with his legs. I'm thinking about making more (I have ideas for a whole animal set!) to sell either on etsy or a local craft fair. Lorelai is napping right now, which is why the photo is of me holding the spider, not her. The yarn is Debbie Bliss Cotton DK, and when I was making the legs (icord) I used my US2 dpns. Not the best idea as I broke two of them in the process:

I'm still knitting burp cloths (again, to either sell on etsy or a craft fair) - I think I have made enough for Lorelai - she's less drooly now, and not spitting up so much... but they are just like potato chips - can't knit just one. And they are easy enough to work on while she's crawling around - I can drop it to go grab her, knit while I watch her, and it's great mindless tv knitting.

The roobeez shoes are just for scale. I love how the stripes really striped! Peaches'n Creme (or Sugar'nCream?) yarn. 1 skein = 1 cloth.
Also exciting news, I'm now a LoopyGroupie!!

I had ordered a "To-Go" knit pouch, kitchner dog tag (because I can never remember how to do it correctly), and a pattern for Merry-Janes. It was my 6th order, so I received the tote bag, a key chain, peppermints, and a skein of jknits "Florida" - so very cool!

The Loopy Ewe rocks!!
Yesterday, Betsy was in town for a whirlwind visit and Lorelai and I were lucky enough to be on her "must see" list :) She helped me with some destashing (which, by the way - yarncycle on ravelry? incredible. I posted stuff there and it was all taken / claimed within hours!!) I have gotten "rid" of ~30 skeins since the weekend. Yay! More room for new yarns (just don't tell Dan yet!) I am dreaming now about sweaters and blankets. I want to make a blanket for my mom for christmas / her birthday (considering it for the ravelympics) and for Dan / me for next year (our 5th anniversary!). And Betsy is way ahead of me on her Central Park Hoodie... What is it with knitters and dreaming out of season? I don't want to be like the marketers at the stores - I saw candy corn for sale at the supermarket already!!
I'm in a finishing mood, so I should go back to my test knit & model knitting or cleaning....
Congrats on your groupie status! I use my tote all the time but sometimes I can see people staring at me cause you can see all the yarn in the bag!!
Free gifts are the greatest! You are going to love the Go Knit pouch--I use mine for socks and sometimes just snap it onto my purse or around my wrist!
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